
Migrat­ing a web­site with plu­g­ins from Craft 2 to Craft 3

In this hangout, we'll start with a walk through upgrading a simple Craft 2 site to Craft 3. We'll explore how the upgrade process works with plugins that exist in and don't exist yet on Craft 3 and deepen our understanding of how Craft behaves during the upgrade process so we can plan successful migrations. For plugin developers, we'll continue the discussion on how to plan for and test migrations during the upgrade process, including the new Install migration and how to make sure your plugins are ready for PostgreSQL. Read More »

Ben Parizek

Com­pos­er and Craft 3

Craft 3 is available as a composer package and enables developers to manage plugins as composer packages as well. While this is exciting news for some, it's also a source of confusion for many users who don't use composer on a regular basis. In this hangout, we'll talk with Brandon Kelly how they are using composer with Craft and go through several examples of how to manage Craft projects and plugin development workflows using composer as well. Read More »

Barrel Strength Design

Don’t stop at the sys­tem. Auto­mate, then humanize.

Traditional print/graphic design relies on a strong system to provide a base system so we can get to a minimum standard of consistency and quality as soon as possible… much like the web. But unlike the web, once we have our underlying foundation, most of the effort is made in adding expression and care into how each piece of content is produced and presented. Read More »

Barrel Strength Design

Crit­i­cal Updates and Craft CMS

Craft CMS takes security seriously and takes several measures to be secure. However, in any complex ecosystem it's possible for a critical security issue to be discovered. What does this mean for website owners and their users? What steps does Craft CMS take to notify users of a critical security issue and help users take steps to fix it? In this hangout we'll be discussing how Craft CMS handles critical updates and how website owners and web firms approach them and get them resolved. Read More »

Barrel Strength Design

Bet­ter Build Process­es with Gulp and Craft CMS

This week we'll be looking Gulp, build processes, and how to get started and improve your build processes on a Craft CMS website. We'll start with the basics–for those who are new to build scripts or using Codekit–and then take things to the next level looking at a more advanced setup and additional areas to configure for a powerful Gulp workflow on your Craft CMS site and beyond. Read More »

Barrel Strength Design

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