Cus­tom Redac­tor Tool­bars for the Rich Text Field in Craft CMS

This article is a collection of custom toolbars configs that you can copy and paste to use in your Craft CMS projects. If you would like to submit a custom config to be included for reference in this article, please send us a note.

If you don't know how to setup and use custom toolbars, see the Rich Text field documentation in the Craft docs or read more about custom toolars in our article How to add custom redactor toolbars to the default Rich Text field in Craft CMS.

Simple Toolbar with link button

Simple Toolbar with link button

    buttons: ['bold', 'italic', 'link']

Download 'Simple With Link' Config'

Standard Toolbar with H1 and pre tags removed from formatting button

Standard Toolbar with H1 and pre tags removed from formatting button

    buttons: ['html','formatting','bold','italic','unorderedlist','orderedlist','link','image','video'],
    plugins: ['fullscreen', 'pagebreak'],
    formattingTags: ['p', 'blockquote', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4']

Download 'Standard with Simple Formatting'

Standard Toolbar with fixed height

Standard Toolbar with fixed height

    buttons: ['html','formatting','bold','italic','unorderedlist','orderedlist','link','image','video'],
    plugins: ['fullscreen', 'pagebreak'],
    autoresize: false,
    minHeight: 200

Download 'Standard Fixed Height' Config

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