What are Straight Up Hangouts?

Straight Up Hangouts are loosely structured conversations on Craft CMS. From design to development to content strategy and more.

Join Barrel Strength Design (the team behind the Sprout Plugins) and special guests from the community and learn to master Craft CMS.

Trou­bleshoot­ing and debug­ging errors in PHP

Dump, die, throw, log. In this hangout, we'll take a look at the various tools we have to help identify and troubleshoot errors in PHP as we design and develop websites and plugins with Craft CMS. We take a look at various simple, dump-driven development techniques and then compare those to debugging in PhpStorm using X-debug. Brad Bell gives a demo on getting X-debug setup in PhpStorm along with several tips to improve your debugging workflow. Read More »

Barrel Strength Design

The {% cache %} tag

Interested in optimizing your website? Let's take a closer look at our mysterious friend the {% cache %} tag. The {% cache %} tag is quite talented, but can be hard to get to know. We'll take a look at what's happening when we use the {% cache %} tag, explore some of the settings, and discuss alternatives to the {% cache %} tag when it comes to keeping zippy. Read More »

Barrel Strength Design

Martini Icon

Level up in Craft CMS with practical examples, snippets, and patterns.
Craft The Planet emails are sent out several times a week.