Craft CMS Field Guide
Example Twig code for all default Craft CMS field types. Read More »
Example Twig code for all default Craft CMS field types. Read More »
Slides from "Programming in Twig", presented at the 2015 Craft CMS Summit from Environments for Humans. Marion Newlevant
Brandon is the founder of Pixel & Tonic, creators of Craft CMS. Product + Support spoke with him about getting into the CMS business, supporting customers, and building a community. Ian Landsman
One of the most important deliverables for any successful branding project is a Brand Guide that sets the rules and standards for working with the system that has been developed. In late 2014, we worked to streamline this process by moving it entirely over to Craft CMS. Stu Smith, Sputnik Creative
Craft CMS comes with a Matrix field that allows you to set up repeatable "blocks" of content for storing data. Using the blocks below you can create robust, flexible layouts that will replace your WYSIWYG. Stephen Bowling
With Craft and the picture element, you can display images optimized for different breakpoints and have more control over your responsive layouts. You'll need Picturefill to enable the picture element in browsers that don't support it natively. If you aren't familiar with the picture element, the Picturefill site does a great job of explaining the markup and its features. Stephen Bowling
A website for the German Craft CMS community. craft.entries
Even though Twig is just (just) a templating engine for PHP applications (like the super smooth Craft CMS), it can also do lots of “programmy” things on its own, too. Ryan Irelan
Macros are the Twig version of functions. Just like you would write a function in PHP to do something and return something, you can use a Twig macro to generate some output. Ryan Irelan
Twig doesn’t refer to a key, value array as an array. It calls it a hash. Mijingo