Getting Started With Javascript in Craft CMS
If you're getting into Craft plugin development, you'll quickly learn there is a wealth of power you can extend and take advantage of in your plugins. Much of this power comes from Craft's javascript libraries which remain largely undocumented. Here are a few resources that can help get you started.
Javascript in Craft
- Javascript in the Control Panel – A two hour tour of with Brandon Kelly giving a high level overview of how javascript is being used in Craft and several examples of how to use it.
- Garnish – View the uncompiled Garnish files in Pixel & Tonic's Github repository.
Javascript OOP Basics
- Prototypal Object-Oriented Programming using JavaScript – An overview comparing Javascript and Prototype-based OOP to Class-based OOP
- A Base Class for JavaScript Inheritance – Dean Edward's Base.js is at the foundation of Craft's javascript. Garnish.Base extends Base.js